Climate Conference Scholarships Change Lives and Communities
Your Gift Will Make An Emerging Climate Leader's Day!
For an emerging climate leader there's nothing like attending a climate or clean energy conference for the first time! The impact of being with new peers, gaining empowering knowledge, sharing stories and building valuable skills is life-changing. This summer we're raising funds for Arkansans to attend the September Citizens' Climate Education Third Coast Regional Conference in Galveston, TX. Thank you for your generosity!
"I met a woman while I was visiting the Lincoln Memorial. I was telling her why I was in D.C. and filling her in on the Citizens' Climate Education Conference and what Citizens' Climate Lobby does.
She said 'Good luck. I hope if things - no I will know WHEN things change, that you had something to do with it.' And she's right. CCE/CCL encourages us to believe in our power and the good that we can do."